Thursday, June 13, 2019

Down the Rabbit's Hole


I come from a family of knitters, crocheters, weavers and spinners.  For the first 58 years of my like I was content to knit or crochet.  Then I got my first rigid heddle loom and I was hooked on weaving.  My cousins, Sue and Carol,  were very supportive of me in this endeavor.  And then I started spinning.  I would send pictures of my spinning and they were very complimentary.  Isn't wonderful how family supports you.  

They kept saying I was down the rabbit hole.  At first I did not get what they meant.  

Then my first drop spindle was joined by a large and small supported spindle.  You need to spread your wings and make sure you like the top whorl you have.  I found I like a top whirl spindle.  I was spinning two types of yarn so I needed another top whirl. 

I could tell I was getting better at this but it took a long time to see the progress I was making.

I went along enjoying myself spinning and dropping and using a few choice words.  Life was so fun.

I found myself on Pinterest looking at the drop spindles and I knew I was in in real trouble.  I loved them.  

I saw the plans for a kick spindle and asked my husband to make me one.  After looking at the plans, he said he would buy me one for my birthday so off I went in search of one I liked the looks of.  (We have no where near here to look before buying spinning supplies.)

I have a Turkish spindle on its way!  Yes!  I am down the rabbit's hole!  

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